
Monday, May 2, 2011

all about beans

I love doing activities and art projects with my son.I am always thinking and searching for fun activites that we can do together when I'm off at work.I want to teach him a lot of things in different ways he will learn where there is enjoyment and lots and lots of fun!This is the first artwork that we did together.
I used an extreme elmer's glue for the whole heart shape and my son just lined up the red beans until he formed a heart shape then he sprinkled mung beans inside.Mung beans is available at asian store but you can definitely use any beans of different colors.For older kids,you can alternate the colors of the beans,say for example the first layer will be red beans then as you go in the center it will be the mung beans and then the red beans again until the last layer is filled.You are kinda grouping the beans from each colors by layers.Anyway,my son enjoyed sprinkling the beans and so he wanted to do one more and this time he wants an oval shape,so here's what we did.

 On this,I used a plain glue,it will work out with any glue just filled it with beans and let it dry.And oh by the way,while he was sprinkling the beans,I asked him what is the color of the beans and he also identified the shapes.Although,at the age of 16months,he pretty much knows most of the shapes and at the age of 2years old,he knows some of the primary colors and now he is very good at identifying shapes and colors,but the main point is he had fun doing this.We basically were just reviewing colors and shapes.It is definitely a fun way to introduce to your child the colors and shapes but ofcourse,remember it's an art so you can do flowers,happy face,anything you can think of.or you can buy white beans,dye it with rainbow colors and form it into a rainbow or another idea i have is paste all the white beans in a form of rainbow then have him look at a rainbow picture as a guide then let him paint line by line.

I created this blog mainly to document the activities that me and my son did,something we can look back to..I don't follow themes..I don't recommend any books.We read different kinds of books everyday,I borrow lots of books at the library every week.if you like themes,it will be your own look out!

Lastly,let kids be kids.Impart knowledge to them in a fun and creative way.Let them realize that learning is F-U-N! :-)

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